Blurrcow Adventures

Monday, January 22, 2007


Daddy has not been updating my blog for a while... he was very busy... then something went wrong with his PC... then I fell sick... I am better now! But Daddy is going away on biz trip soon! :-(

How to Sayang...

He just loves this little Conrad Teddy Bear given to him by Daddy's colleague from Spain (Thank you Uncle JM Calabozo!)

Not So Happy!

Not happy after the bath during powdering time!


Bath Time!

Bryan has upgraded to a BIGGER bath tub! He is now able to sit up by himself and splash water!

My First Scooter!

Wow! Scooter cum Walker! Thanks so much, Tah-Yee1

My Cousins & Me!

Bryan is crying becos Daddy took so long to organize this picture! The youngest grandson on the Tay side!

My First Christmas!

With Daddy, Mummy & Presents!

In A Jumpsuit!

Thank you, Uncle Geoffrey!

Good Morning!

What a way to kick start your morning when you get greeted like this!

Finishing Touches!

This was much easier than we expected! He was quite cheerful thru-out!

I love to read Newspapers & Magazines!

Bryan loves to play with newspapers and magazines! Let's hope this translates to faster and better reading habits later!
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Who is this?

Looks familiar? It is Bryan's Grandfather's Son! Like Father Like Son ?
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