Blurrcow Adventures

Sunday, October 22, 2006

When I grow up...

I want to be big and strong... and Happy ! Posted by Picasa

Yippee ! I can sit up by myself now!

With little support, Bryan is able to sit up by himself now.... Posted by Picasa

Have my features changed again ??

If you compare my pictures over the last few monhs... you would see that my features have changed quite a bit.... now they say I look more like Daddy.... Posted by Picasa

My first 4-D pick....

I did my biz at Uncle Donald & Auntie Mary's house... so they ask me to pick some 4-D numbers... quick go out and buy 3890 !! Posted by Picasa

At Uncle Donald's House...

Daddy has been lazy lately.... not updating my Blog site !!! Here are some pics taken with Uncle Donad's NEW camera !!! Posted by Picasa