Blurrcow Adventures

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Look what my Daddy *& Mummy bought me!

We had advice from friends that we should not get Bryan a walker... especially since we have steps in the house... but all his cousins grew up using them... anyway we walked into a department store, and he took an instant liking to this one... Posted by Picasa

First taste of semi-solid food!

Bryan is now 6 month plus, and time to get him started on rice cereals.... and supplements. Initially he did not seem to like it, but now seems more liking it... Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Mummy!

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After morning bath...

I like to sit down here and enjoy looking at Yeh-Yeh's flower garden! He has very green fingers! I must learn from him! Posted by Picasa

Do You Want Some Advice ?

If you have a problem, let me know! I am a good listener! Posted by Picasa

Me in my High Chair!

Thank you Auntie Fony, Auntie Bie Hoa, Uncle Srini, Uncle Alvin, Uncle Gordon & Uncle Manish for this lovely High Chair! Now I can join all the BIG people at the dinner table ! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 03, 2006

If only this thing had wheels!

This thing is a little un-even! They sure don't make them like they used to! Posted by Picasa

Ma-Ma Watching Over Me!

I love to stand on my own two feet! However I still don't like to roll over! Posted by Picasa

Here I am in my favorite car-seat!

Daddy has been away, so only managed to update my blog site this weekend! Posted by Picasa

My New Chair!

My Uncle Donald had a chair just like this one! Now I have one too! Thank you, Er-Yi! Posted by Picasa

G.I. Bryan !

How do you like my NEW crew cut hair ?? Thank you, Er-Yi! Posted by Picasa