Blurrcow Adventures

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Do I Look Like My Dad ??

No.. I'm cuter than him!! Urgh... look at all that hairy legs! Posted by Picasa

Ma Ma, Yeh Yeh and Me !

 Posted by Picasa

In the morning, 6 o'clock...

Bryan is usually the 1st to wake up in the morning... if he is contented, he will just play by himself... Posted by Picasa

My Foot!

Bryan doing his morning stretching exercises! Posted by Picasa

Ma Ma wants to shave my head !

I know I will not enjoy myself when all my hair is shaved away.... people are just not happy that my hair is not evenly grown !!! This is natural, what ! Posted by Picasa

Before Daddy goes to work...

Morning time has become very precious for Daddy, as his work usually brings him home late when Bryan is already asleep... Posted by Picasa

No Tu Tu ? No Problem !

Bryan likes to put his fingers in his mouth now... Posted by Picasa

I love this pyjamas!

This pyjamas with the colorful items constantly amuses Bryan! Posted by Picasa

Hey, Don't Take My Milk Away !!!

Bryan is starting to use his hands to grip stuff - his milk bottle is one of the 1st things that he is learning to hang on to! Posted by Picasa

Bryan is getting bigger !

His clothes are starting to become tight... and those carrying him can feel their arms getting tired! This is Bryan just after his morning bath ! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday, Singapore !

Today, on 9th August, 2006 - I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Singapore! Posted by Picasa

Hey, I can shout!

Bryan is discovering his voice these days, and each of the adults take turn to see if we can get him to make as much noises as possible! Very Fun! Posted by Picasa