Blurrcow Adventures

Monday, June 19, 2006

Yippee! I am standing on my own 2 feet !

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So this is what sitting on Mummy & Daddy's Rosewood furniture is like...

Bryan is now at that fun age where the elders like to try him out in various postures... Posted by Picasa

Are you all talking about me ?

Bryan listening to the elders around him.... Posted by Picasa

No Tu-Tu ? No Problem...

These days, when he is not cranky, he prefers his hand to his tu-tu.... But his tu-tu is still the a must-have when he is cranky.... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hey, I Can Sit Up Now!

On Saturday nights, lots of Aunties & Uncles to carry me! Here I am watching TV with them! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

When I Grow Up.. I want a phone just like this one!

Bryan is fascinated by a noisy Sony Walkman phone..... Posted by Picasa

Bryan at 14+ Weeks!

We celebrated Yeh-Yeh's & Uncle Chor-How's Birthday at Tunglok Restaurant at East Coast! Posted by Picasa

One of my ambitions...

One day, I will become a good Chef like my Yeh-Yeh! Posted by Picasa

Okay! So these are my hands....

Yippee! Bryan is now learning to reach out his hands and touching the hanging toys himself! Posted by Picasa

Me & My PlayGym!

Bryan is into his 4th month now... and one of his morning activities after his bath is this PlayGym (Thank you, Uncle Derrick!) where he seems quite fascinated with the colorful hanging toys. He also seems to prefer to stay on the bed nowadays... so we wonder if it is becos of this PlayGym... Posted by Picasa