Blurrcow Adventures

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Curious Bryan!

Bryan is now able to turn his head around, so soon we think we will be able to flip over! He is naturally attracted to lights and air-condition blowers! Posted by Picasa

Carry Me Vertical, Please!

Bryan likes to be carried vertically these days! His neck seems strong enough now to support his head and Daddy just love it to have his head leaning on his chest! Posted by Picasa

A Penny For Your Thoughts ?

He seems curious at something here.... Posted by Picasa

Bryan at 3 months!

Yippee! With this baby carrier (Thanks to Daddy's work colleagues) Bryan can be carried facing forward and the person carrying him, in this case Mummy, has got free hands! Posted by Picasa

Kong Kong & Me

They were both born in the Year of the Dog ('Kao')! They both have the same Surname ('Kow') They are 84 years apart... Can you guess how they are related ?? Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 12, 2006

Sound Asleep on Daddy's Chest!

I have not updated this blog for over a week as I was on a biz trip... This was just before I left for my biz trip last Sunday... Posted by Picasa

Is it time to bathe yet ??

As we go thru a daily routine... the bath is the one of the first morning activities he looks forward to. Posted by Picasa

Time to try on the new clothes!

Bryan has had many new clothes (and also lots of hand-me-downs from good friends, Derrick and Robin) given to him these few months.. We realize that we can't possibly wear all of them very much before he out-grows them...

So.... what we try to do now is to have him try out a new outfit everyday after his bath.. even though he only stays at home most of the time...

This a one piece suit that just about fits him now... he will outgrow this very quickly we think... Posted by Picasa

Happy Child!

We want Bryan to be a happy boy.... and he always brings a smile on our faces when he laughs or smiles! Posted by Picasa

Growing More Alert Each Day...

Bryan will be almost 3 months soon, and with each day, especially in the mornings, he is making a lot of chuckling sounds and grows more alert of his surroundings! Posted by Picasa

Top Of The World !

A little experiment with Bryan on top of me... Heh Heh! He does not seem to mind.... Posted by Picasa