Blurrcow Adventures

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Not Drinking Enuff Milk, La!

At 2 months, Bryan is 59 cm tall and head circumference is 39 cm (quick, buy 4-D!) compared to 50 cm tall / 32 cm head circumference at birth. However his weight is not optimal - he is 4.7 kg now but should be about 5 kg at 2 months. He was 3.342 kg at birth.

Doctor says we have to try and get him to drink more of Mummy's Milk, and set us a target of about 5.5 kg at 3 months and 6.5 kg at 4 months! Posted by Picasa

Cows Cows Cows and not a drop of milk to drink ....

Over the years, we have collected a lot of Cow stuff... soft toys, key-chains, posters, figurines, salt & pepper shaker, cups, name-card holders, phone holder (above), cow-bells, ... you name it and we probably have it somewhere... We will give Bryan a Cow Education as he grows up, so that he will learn to love this animal of the land !

Besides, this will save us some $$$ from buying too many toys - just give him those that we have carefully kept in our collection! Posted by Picasa

What's in a Surname ?

This was an earlier photo of him sleeping in my arms... he doesn't know it now but when he grows up ... friends will tease him about his surname.... Moo-Moo, Cow-Cow, etc. He might even ask me one day if he can have a different surname... :-)

Don't let them get to you, dear and you will be MOOving with your life! Being associated with a Cow can be Fun!

I should know - I have been for 40 years now... Posted by Picasa

Catching His Smile...

Catching his smiles on camera isn't easy at this stage.... when he does, he brings a smile to everyone's face! Posted by Picasa

What A Fantastic Experience...

These last 2 months has been a great & wonderful experience for us 1st time parents... we are able to anticipate his moods and needs better... we don't panic as much when he cries and cries.. our sleep paterns follow his sleep... For sure, I will definitely miss him when I resume my biz trips again soon ! :-( Posted by Picasa

Muumy doesn't like it when I do this...

Must remember to ask the doctor if we can correct this... he is sometimes cross-eyed... bad habit! Posted by Picasa

Pls put a towel first before feeding me...

Pre-feeding routine... a small towel just below his chin... Don't want to spill Mummy's Milk on his clothes.. Posted by Picasa

I Took My Jabs Today! No Sweat!

Bryan paid a visit to the doctor this morning for his 6-in-1 jabs... next dose will be in 2 months time! Posted by Picasa

Good Bye, Daddy!

Daddy has to go to office early today... so can't wait for Bryan to bathe first... Posted by Picasa

Time to change my nappies...

This facial expression usually means it is time to change his nappies... Posted by Picasa

2-Months Old Today!

In the morning, he is quite sleepy before his bath... needs to warm up before he will smile... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 22, 2006

When I open my mouth like this, I am HUNGRY!

When he is not crying, he is really adorable! Posted by Picasa

Don't Make Me Angry.... You Wouldn't Like Me When I Am Angry!

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My First Anklet & Pendent!

This is from Yeh-Yeh & Ma-Ma! Posted by Picasa

My First Bracelet!

This is from Tah-Yi! Thank You! Posted by Picasa

My First Watch!

My First Watch from Err-Yi ! Thank You!

Little Dog in Crystal Train Engine to keep me company when I am lonely! Posted by Picasa

Thank You. Kong-Kong!

I was born in the Year of the Dog! WOOF!

This little poodle pendant & necklace is from my Kong-Kong! Posted by Picasa

Daddy's New Camera is Great!

Daddy's new camera is really gooood! Shhhh... don't tell Mummy how much it costs! Posted by Picasa

My Nails Are Long....

This is my nail clippers! Pls only use this on me when I am sleeping... Don't like when I am awake, becos I will struggle! Don't cut too close, OK ? Posted by Picasa

Where's my Rubber Ducky?

Bathing every morning by 2 beautiful ladies ! Life doesn't get much better than this! Posted by Picasa

Be Gentle With Me, Ladies!

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Getting Ready for My Bath!

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Hey What Big Eyes I Have...

Bryan is most alert in the mornings, after his bath! He is approaching 2 months now, and he is developing a personality of his own! Posted by Picasa

Musical Matchbox from Daddy!

Daddy loves to collect old toys... this is one of Daddy's Favorite which he has given to me... Nice music! Posted by Picasa

HURRY UP !! Where is my milk ?

Mummy especially, can start to understand Bryan and can anticipate when he wants to be carried or he wants his Tu-Tu or when he wants to drink Mummy's Milk !!

Unfortunately, Mummy's Milk needs to be warmed up first - and this is when Bryan gets upset, while waiting !!! Posted by Picasa